Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Teh is a old school member on the cheating scene, He is a good friend and mostly hangs about on the hackforums site, Known him for a good 2 year since G4HQ opened. He specialises in RAT's and has also had some great luck with recovering. Probably RATTED/Recovered 40bil+ he thinks. Here are a few pictures he sent me:

He has also recovered many RSC accounts and RATTED 3 maxed out total accounts. Great way to start off this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Out of everyone I've met, Teh seems to be the most intelligent. He does alot of things, and talks about nearly none of them. If you know Teh, you'll know this is about 1/10th of what he is capable of, and has done.

    <3 Teh
